Mission, Vision, Values



Scott Key Center’s program mission is to foster a broad range of
person-centered, integrated employment opportunities and
community involvement for individuals with intellectual and
developmental disabilities in Frederick County Maryland.


Scott Key Center will empower individuals with intellectual and developmental
disabilities to be included and valued as members of the community. We will foster
community integration through employment, meaningful community activities, and public
awareness. Each individual supported by Scott Key Center will have the opportunity to
work within their range of abilities in order to function at their highest potential. The
Scott Key Center will promote creativity in order to develop meaningful employment and
integration within the community through enhanced training and educational
opportunities, while supporting each individual to identify, plan, and achieve their own
personal dreams.


Respect and Dignity

We respect the individuals we support, their caregivers, our staff, co-workers, and
customers by treating them with dignity, listening to and accepting their ideas, valuing
their opinions, accepting diversity, fostering self-worth, and allowing opportunities for
individuals to take risks.


Scott Key Center staff will treat all individuals with respect, honesty, fairness, and


Through training, experiences, and support in making informed decisions, every
individual will achieve increased self-worth with each opportunity.


Staff will communicate and contribute their skills, knowledge, and expertise to fulfill the
mission by collectively working together.